• Question: Do you like working alone or in a team?

    Asked by rxchel.lds to Alejandra, Ana, Daniel, Sophie, Todd, Zach on 9 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by 439arth42.
    • Photo: Ana Gallego

      Ana Gallego answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I like working with a team, other wise it can get lonely! Working in a team makes you think better, because your colleagues think about other stuff you didn’t considered before. Also, you cannot know absolutely everything!

      And if you have a great team you always want to work with them.

    • Photo: Daniel Morse

      Daniel Morse answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I like both.

      It’s important to be able to work as part of a team, but equally important to be independent and be able to work alone. As a researcher, a lot of my work is done alone – generally PhDs are set that way – you are to contribute to advance scientific knowledge, but you are also working as part of a bigger team that can help by discussing, analysing, collaborating, interpreting and presenting the data to a wide range of audiences.

    • Photo: Zach Welshman

      Zach Welshman answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I prefer discussing a plan and strategy for my work as a team because you get the best guidance from the most experienced people, that’s what mentors and supervisors are there for.

      I like to do the work alone.

    • Photo: Alejandra Aranceta

      Alejandra Aranceta answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      Hi Rxchel!

      I would say both, but it really depends on the type of project that Im doing. Sometimes you need the help of others, their expertise, their ideas etc. Sometimes all you need is one brain (yours) and that is perfect too!

    • Photo: Sophie Cox

      Sophie Cox answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      Hi Rxchel.lds,

      I like both. Sometimes it is really useful to get other people’s opinion or to do split up the work and get the person with the best skills at something to do that part of the project. Working on your own can be good when you need to focus more and sometimes there are things, which are just my responsibility that I have to do on my own.

    • Photo: Todd Burton

      Todd Burton answered on 13 Mar 2017:

      I love working in a team, unfortunately doing a PhD you are very much doing your own project and there isn’t very much team work. Working as an engineer in industry is much more of a team work environment! Working with each other on project, possibly working with lots of different types of engineers and other to help finish a project.
