• Question: why did you become an engineer and have you always wanted to be one?

    Asked by Emma692738 to Alejandra, Ana, Daniel, Sophie, Todd, Zach on 6 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by jackro, calebjr03, Freya, PerambulatingPig, harrypotterunicorn23, bisma, JustBen72, Zoe, lucy, leah, indominus rex, 486arth46, Zacklarry, Harambe666, Rhythm of life23, 767arth25, Yeah Boiiiiiii, mazzy7642, I am the one, agent porty seven, Brad, Beth.sw_, 246arth42, Eshe, EngineerBoy123😀😀, Charlotte, 322arth34, summer_lemonade21, 21 questions, Pippa, oliver, GBanno10, 846arth35, Bogmonster1, wee_rab_23, 533arth35, EngineerFan06734, Tomaboii, matthew, FoxDweebsRule!!!!, EzratGaminMonkey, 496arth38.
    • Photo: Zach Welshman

      Zach Welshman answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I didn’t always want to be an engineer and I only really understood what engineering was really about after I started my undergraduate in biomedical engineering. I wasn’t aware of resources like I’m an engineer.

      I really enjoy understanding how things and how the world works. As an engineer you are creating solutions to societal problems. I get a tiny adrenaline rush every time I solve a difficult problem and in engineering there are lots of problems to solve!

    • Photo: Ana Gallego

      Ana Gallego answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I always knew that I wanted to study something related to science or making things. I spent my childhood building things out of materials or objects that I could find on my way.
      I have never been great at memorising texts or dates (I wasn’t very good at history) .

      Even though I struggled a little with maths, I did enjoy learning science and technology related subjects that I knew that I wanted to go towards this direction.

      I was quite lost when it came to choosing my degree: I was between IT/Computers, Physics, Chemistry or Engineering, and ended up in engineering, which I love. Making things and solving problems is great!

      If you are unsure of what to do, like I was, make sure you talk to a lot of people with different jobs. There are some really cool jobs out there that sometimes we miss but we would love to do.

    • Photo: Daniel Morse

      Daniel Morse answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Well, I’m a scientist by background (biomedical sciences, microbiology and immunology) but early on in my PhD I had an opportunity to use 3D tissue models to use for infections, and then I had a further opportunity to work with another lab in Sheffield for a few weeks, learning how to make my own living 3D models which was great fun, so thats where the engineering side came in for me – tissue engineering.

      I never thought I would be doing something like that if you had asked me 3 or 4 years ago even, but it is a fantastic field of work, and directly relevant to medicine which is cool. Lots to do in the future too!

    • Photo: Sophie Cox

      Sophie Cox answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I chose to become an engineer because I like translating concepts/ideas to real world solutions. At school I always liked science/maths and originally applied to university to do maths and economics. However, when I went to some interviews it made me realise that I didn’t want to do abstract things and that was when I switch direction to engineering.

      So I definitely haven’t always wanted to be an engineer. I think at school you’re always being asked to pick what you want to do. While it’s good to have an idea you can definitely change your mind along the way, like I did. I think the most important thing is to make choices based on the things that you enjoy.

    • Photo: Alejandra Aranceta

      Alejandra Aranceta answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Hi Emma,
      I did not! At first I wanted to be a veterinary surgeon, but just the thought of having to put to sleep some animals tore my heart!!! I think I would be crying with every single dog or cat walking through the door just knowing they are with flu.

      I guess I became aware of engineering when my dad introduced me to Biomedical Engineering. As he was aware about this passion of mine and my over empathy… and on the other side, he knew I loved to put my hands on any electronic equipment I could get,opening it, putting it apart and then back together… One day he just told me about this ‘new’ career that was biomedical engineering, and I was instantly hooked!

    • Photo: Todd Burton

      Todd Burton answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I didn’t always want to be an engineer. During school i didn’t have a clue what i wanted to be. I decided i wanted a job where i work alongside people, that involves science and is practical. I can to the conclusion of studying medicine or engineering.

      I enjoy problem solving and that is exactly what engineers do! So i think i’ve definitely made the right choice.
