• Question: I know it is possible to take a pigs heart and make into a human heart but would it worke with a sheep heart?

    Asked by Henry to Alejandra, Ana, Daniel, Todd, Zach on 15 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Alejandra Aranceta

      Alejandra Aranceta answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      I don’t know, Henry, I think a pig’s heart is used because its close similarity in size and strength with the human. I don’t know how similar a sheep’s heart is to ours.

    • Photo: Daniel Morse

      Daniel Morse answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Possibly, the cells and structure of pigs tissue is similar to that of human, which is why that is used more commonly.. I don’t know if the sheep’s heart would be of suitable size or use for a human.. Maybe we could manipulate it somehow to give it a bit more capacity and strength! Then theres the issue of it being ‘accepted’ into the human body… Lots to consider!

    • Photo: Ana Gallego

      Ana Gallego answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      I agree with Alejandra. I am aware that the pig’s heart is relatively similar to the human’s.
