• Question: what is the strangest thing to happen to you while working

    Asked by oliver to Alejandra, Ana, Daniel, Sophie, Todd, Zach on 14 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Ana Gallego

      Ana Gallego answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      I guess coming up with a solution just by pure accident hehe

    • Photo: Alejandra Aranceta

      Alejandra Aranceta answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Hi Oliver,

      I think the strangest thing that has happened to me (and that happens quite often) is that one day you get some results, and on the next day (or later that day) you repeat them, following exactly the same steps, and you get different results and you just cannot know why!!

    • Photo: Daniel Morse

      Daniel Morse answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Thats a great question – I don’t really know to be honest!

      I’d probably say that when I do something that looks really complex, and I am convinced that it wont work, or will go wrong..and then I do it, making such a fuss about it and then it works first time and is reproducible!
